Best Draw Spells in Mtg
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Top 10 draw spells for EDH.
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#1 Jul 31, 2014
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#2 Jul 31, 2014
I can't say I really know hat the top ten would be, as I'm just getting into EDH myself, but I can tell JtMS, and pretty much all other walkers, usually suck in this format. With generally 3 or so players after you, walkers are easy to deal with, and you just played a 4 mana brainstorm.
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#3 Jul 31, 2014
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#4 Jul 31, 2014
Ad Nauseum
Sylvan Library
Sphinx Rev
Recurring Insight
Skeletal Scrying
Wheel of Fortune
Ancestral Visions
Prolly close to my fav list.
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#5 Jul 31, 2014
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#6 Jul 31, 2014
Last edited by scoeri: Jul 31, 2014
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#7 Jul 31, 2014
Allways depends what you actual want to get.
Just downright "spells" that draw right away ? Then jace and the like are not "good" , they do something else, while thats totally worth it ofcourse ; in your deck Dack Fayden might be a bretter draw-engine, allways depends what you want to find (and if you play stuff for the graveyard, like Living Death).
If you aim for "permanents" mainly and just very very little spells beside that, you can get really busted cards, even Kozilek is a really strong "draw" spell, as it does something else for your deck (especially with slivers you might go the way for mana anyway, if you want to utilize all the big slivers and some combos with them, like the Sliver Queen / Sliver Overlord / Sliver Legion , even combined with Gemhide Sliver and Mirror entity and such).
If you do that, you can use Greater Good to draw tons of cards, especially if you boost your creatures with some slivers anyway (muscle/sinew etc.).
Then the traditional strong Sylvan Library, which might eat up 20+ life, but draws plenty of cards in addition to its selection purpose, for just 1G mana.
If you want to get creatures back from the graveyard theres Genesis to provide endless amunition.
Skullclamp ofcourse if you have the creatures anyway.
Bunch of green cards exist that draw tons of cards, you just need creatures for that.
Then even Garruck in nearly all its forms does a strong stream of card advantage, as does Kiora for the Explorations.
If you play with 3+ players Rhystic study is a big draw engine, players really dont like to pay extra all the time and Consecrated Sphinx is a stupid storng card draw engine aswell.
Plenty of cards to choose from.
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111111111² = 12345678987654321
W U B R G #BlackLotusMatter W U B R G
👮👮👮 #BlueLivesMatter 👮👮👮
#9 Jul 31, 2014
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#10 Jul 31, 2014
Fact or Fiction it certainly is not, but Steam Augury's not bad on instant speed draw. I regularly run it in decks with that color combination. I've never been disappointed with it.
In my list, I'll assume that the context in which some of these cards shine is present. I'm looking at Ad Nauseam in my storm deck, not Vaevictis Asmadi deck, and it will beat out Ohran Viper, even though if I am running a green creature-based deck, Viper's in the deck. Doesn't matter then that Viper sees play in 3-4 times as many decks as Ad Nauseam; AN's better overall. My list probably goes like this:
Ad Nauseam: my favorite decks in the format run this card to great effect, and there's nothing quite as fun for me as flipping cards off Ad Nauseam.
Necropotence: I ran this first in a vintage Worldgorger Dragon decks, I think. Brutally strong, and I love it in my current EDH decks.
Fact or Fiction: another classic card that I first ran in vintage storm decks. It's so good.
Recurring Insight: drawing a hefty amount of cards twice over two turns is just powerful.
Skullclamp: two cards off a death in a deck that can support it makes for blue and black-levels of drawing (or more) in decks that did not have access. From Krenko to Teneb, I love a Skullclamp.
Phyrexian Arena: solid card advantage over the game dropped turn 2 or 3 is fantastic. It's not the best draw late in the game, but more card draw is rarely a disservice.
Sylvan Library: people have already explained why this is good. At worst, it's a Mirri's Guile for 1 more. I love running it with Tomorrow, Azami's Familiar in my Animar list.
Dark Confidant: Turn 1 or 2 Confidant in my Prossh, Doomsday, or other decks is just fantastic. Not yet into trying it in more expensive decks, but then I'd need more copies anyway.
Sphinx's Revelation: life buffer and great card draw. If only it had been GU; then I could run it in my BUG and RUG decks alongside Mana Reflection.
Consecrated Sphinx: not much really needs to be said. Superb—yet quite vulnerable—card draw.
Honorable mentions:
Promise of Power's neat; I do like 5 for 5 with other benefits. I run this card all the time, and it's never bad to see, despite its mana cost. It's especially nice to see, I guess, when I accidentally entwine it without paying the mana to do so, and no one else notices. 5 for a 5- to 9-power flyer and 5 cards isn't too bad, right...?
Wheel of Fortune, while I'd run it in decks without blue most often, is nonetheless symmetrical. It's hard to know sometimes when I'm going to wheel myself into a world of hurt. Symmetry's just enough to keep it off the list.
Saboteur card draw: Shadowmage Infiltrator, Ohran Viper, and Cold-eyed Selkie generally make it into the decks appropriate for them. Edric, Spymaster of Trest less often for some reason, even though arguably Edric offers a lot more than the Selkie except for evasion.
Phyrexian Arenas on legs: Graveborn Muse and Bloodgift Demon make it into almost all of my black decks. Such spectacular cards.
Greater Good: Doubling often as a sac outlet, this card's just dandy.
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#12 Jul 31, 2014
No love for Soul's Majesty? I know it requires a creature, but isn't the Hivelord large? And a creature? I have never been disappointed in it.
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#13 Aug 1, 2014
A generic top 10 is pretty useless...but anyway
IMO the best draw spells in EDH are (in no particular order)
1) Fact or Fiction
2) Phyrexian Arena
3) Necro
4) Consecrated Sphinx
5) Jace, the Mind Sculptor
6) Skullclamp
7) Timetwister
8) Recurring Insight
9) Rhystic Study
10) Sensei's Divining Top
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#14 Aug 1, 2014
Personally for me Necropotence
Hands down it is a monster. A beast. It makes the devil cry uncle. It took my mother out for a date and never even called back. The thing is cold.
Your opponent hates it. The table hates it. You? Well.... You love it.
If it were a samich. It would be a tri-tip smoked in maple syrup and dripping with the colonel's original. Even the most interesting man in the world sighs when it hits the table.
If it had to be rated on the top 10 I feel like it wouldn't be fair to put any other card on the list. It's insulting to the great skull
Other personal favorites would include Memory Jar and Promise of Power.
But a secret pleasure? Using Disciple of Bolas with recursion and a sac outlet with my main man Chainer, Dementia Master *shutters*
Think of the humanity...
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#18 Aug 1, 2014
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#19 Aug 1, 2014
Thank you for the responses. I always appreciate the statistics by scoeri.
I'm going to replace Jace with Rhystic Study. I'm not going to have a huge complement of slivers, so I'm not sure if skullclamp is the right fit. Hunter's Insight is probably a good choice.
Now, as for Wheel of Fortune and Windfall, how useful are those outside of decks that dump their hands very fast, such as combo or aggro?
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#20 Aug 1, 2014
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#21 Aug 1, 2014
Most of them, I think. That's the reason Nekusar gets a bad rap. He supports that strategy so well and so obviously that most of the decks built around him follow that gameplan.
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#22 Aug 1, 2014
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#23 Aug 1, 2014
So I just stuck him in as one of Nicol Bolas's 99.
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#25 Aug 3, 2014
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"I think EDH would be more fun for the majority of participants if players just showed eachother their decks rather than actually playing games out."
#26 Aug 3, 2014
I could not agree more.
I run this in my Sheoldred build an I'm NEVER unhappy to see it.
The 2 life loss is negligible with Ghast, Merchant, Kokusho and Disciple bombing around the list.
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#27 Aug 4, 2014
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