Funny Anime Lines for Voice Auditions

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I technically haven't abandoned this sideblog because I do have plans to start putting quotes out again. If you want any more anime content though, I have another sideblog called @gems-talk-animanga

Ukai Keishin - Haikyuu!! Season 3 Ep 8 "An Annoying Guy"

Don't you dare look down! Volleyball is a sport where you are always looking up!

Voice Actor: Kazunari Tanaka

Tsukishima Kei (Bokuto Kotaro) - Haikyuu!! Season 3 Ep. 4 "The Halo Around the Moon"

It was just one block. It was just one point out of 25. This is just a club. (But once that moment arrives for you, that's the moment you'll be hooked on volleyball).

Voice Actor: Koki Uchiyama (Ryohei Kimura)

Kageyama Tobio - Haikyuu!! Season 3 Ep. 6 "The Chemical Change of Encounters"

The only time I will ever feel despair is when I won't be able to play volleyball anymore.

Voice Actor: Kaito Ishikawa

Edward Elric - Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Ep. 26 "Reunion"

Alphonse! Alphonse! Alphonse! Someday, I'll come and bring you back. Wait for me. Wait for me!

Voice Actor: Romi Park

Soujiro Seta - Rurouni Kenshin Ep. 34

There once were two men who travelled the same path for ten years, but found completely different truths. So I think if I wander for ten years, I'll find my own truth.

Voice Actor: Noriko Hidaka


Gingrish Part 1 | 2

happy birthday to you · 待ってwait · JasonじゃないJacksonです。俺のoriginalだから · nice body · くさいfinger!! · power balance · Ben Johnson · Napoleon · dying message · 銀魂revolution · お邪murder license~ · cancer beam!! · Will Smith ·  animationのcharacter · Americanだろう! · help! help me!! · drill contest · pants double feintoだとぉぉぉぉ · boneless ham · dark matter · こういうpatternね、B2 patternね · spirit dance · feverです~ · freedom and justiceよこせよ! · justice! · japanese style。。。japanese style · over · roger · just do it! · 最低lineがbronze saint。最高lineがsilver saint。 · host car ·  helpのhelpだからな · TOSHI、are you ready? · ごめんよbabyたち ·   fuck言ってた?誰がfuuuckコノヤロ! ·yes? · fashion leader ·  お前ならできるbelieve · dining kitchen · honey · なぜ?なんで?why? · fly away · butterfly away · run away!! · go to hell

sakata gintoki

gingrish 2


[D-53] gingrish

Gingrish Part 1 | 2

nice catch • number one より only one だろう! • 人生  hit and run なんだよ! • chaaaange! change お願いします! • final answer?! • final answer じゃねぇ! • orthodox ですけど! • pants とか panty とか ノパンとか • あれだね。。。 t-back • domestic violence • neo armstrong cyclone jet armstrong 砲だよ。 • 銀です~ just do it! • okay~ • oh yayyy! • 青森 apple • オイMichael Jackson はな いだろう そりゃお前くしゃみじゃ Janet Jackson! • Shake it up baby! • fiction! • 信じるんだ inspiration 感じるんだ imagination • Edith Hanson! •  stay tuned~  信じて信じて believe~ • shut up! そして die~ • one more say! (ドンダケ! ドンダケ!) everybody say! (ドンダケ! ドンダケ!) everybody say! (ドンダケ! ドンダケェェェェ!) • positive thinking • happy birthday to you • independence day • play だ。 play~ • YOU, なったのかい • cattle mutilation • Hey! 123! • golden retriever の ウンコ • never give uuuup~ • beginner's luck •  行けぇぇぇぇ! cheap impact! • exactly! • justaway から runaway! • help me, な? • what do you say? • that's true~ • okay okay~ uh huh. okay~ • Hey! タカティン hey! • mission complete~

sakata gintoki



Mumen Rider - One Punch Man Ep. 9

No one expects much…from me. They think a C Class Hero won't be much help. I know that better than anyone! I'm not good enough for B Class. I'm weak. I know that much. No one has to tell me I have no chance of beating you. I already know that! And yet, I must try. It's not about winning or losing! It's about me taking you on, right here, right now!

Voice Actor: Yuichi Nakamura

Genos - One Punch Man Ep. 7

Even if the public doesn't appreciate you, I will still follow you.

Voice Actor: Kaito Ishikawa

Hello, I'm still alive.

I know I haven't been active and that's because I kind of took an unintentional break from anime. I hope to be back soon and thank you to the people who have stayed.

Mikage Celestine - 07-Ghost Ep. 5

Teito, listen very carefully to what I'm about to tell you. First, don't make the Imperial Army your enemies. Revenge never does anyone any good. Killing the person you hate will never ease the pain. Always look forward. Follow the path of light. Second, you may be bad at accepting people's kindness and opening your hearts to others, but you're my best friend! You're always in my prayers! Never forget that I am always with you.

Voice Actor: Daisuke Namikawa

Please read the FAQ before making a request. Requests that don't follow the guidelines will be ignored.

Franz D'epinay - Gankutsuou Ep. 20

To my dearest Albert.

Happy Birthday. By the time you read this, chances are that I'll no longer be with you. So instead of giving you a present, I'd like you to hear me out. Albert, this is important. I don't want you to ever hate anyone. Something occurred to me. Feelings of love and feelings of hate both start out as caring about someone. It's sad, but I think that sometimes, when those feelings aren't returned, those feelings of love change into hate. If something like that ever happens, I want you to think back to our childhood. Back to a time when we could love openly and honestly, no matter how often we got hurt. I want you to go on living, Albert. Love people openly without being scared of getting hurt. I truly was lucky to have known you.

Franz d'Epinay. Forever in your heart.

Voice Actor: Daisuke Hirakawa

Zabuza Momochi - Naruto Ep. 19

You were always by my side. At the very least, I can be by your side in the end. If it's possible, I'd like to go to the same place as you.

Voice Actor: Unshou Ishizuka


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